Previous research shows that as many as 50% of older adults globally have sleeping difficulties, and it is not uncommon for adults aged 60 and olderTrusted Source to have the sleep disorder insomnia.
Past studies show that insomnia may increase a person’s risk for several health concerns, including heart disease, depression, cognitive impairment, dementiaTrusted Source, and risk of falls.
There are a number of lifestyle changes that people can make that can help fight insomnia, such as avoiding caffeineTrusted Source a few hours before bedtime, keeping a consistent sleep scheduleTrusted Source, stress management, and increasing daytime physical activity.
Now, a new review of the evidence recently published in the journal Family Medicine and Community Health reports that resistance or strength training might be the best exercise for treating insomnia in older adults.
For this study, researchers analyzed data from 24 previous studies and clinical trials, which amounted to more than 2,000 adults aged 60 and older, and had a diagnosis of insomnia.
The majority of studies had been conducted in Asia, as well as North America, Europe, and South America.
For this study, researchers focused on five types of exercise patterns:
• aerobic exercise, including dancing, cycling, swimming, and brisk walking
• bodyweight exercises, such as wall push-ups
• balance exercises, such as step-ups
• flexibility exercise, like gymnastics
• combination exercise, including yoga and Pilates.